September 28, 2012

Kemenangan milik mereka..

Aku berputus asa.
Kau takkan pernah putus asa.
Kau tetap pemenangnya.
Aku yg takkan pernah dpt sedikit belas kasihan.
Aku masih menumpang.
Lagi jauh di pangkuan keluarga.
Sesungguhnya ini adalah satu pergolakan yang takkan pernah selesai.
Kau riak, sombong, takbur.
Aku hanya mampu berdiam diri.
Tiada suara atau pandangan yg akan aku lontarkan.
Mereka tetap akan berada di sisi kau.
Dan mereka mendesak kau supaya memutuskan hubungan yg selama ini disemai.
Aku mmg menunggu saat itu..
Sangat-sangat menunggu..

#Suatu hari nanti, ia akan berlaku...........
Aku tetap tewas...

July 2, 2012

FInal Examinations for 1st Semester.


I would like to inform you all that, on 30th June was my first paper for final exam as a Degree student.. It was much more different than Diploma. A lot of critical thinking that needed to answer the questions.. Seriously, before this I was memorizing the books, the facts, tgn penat menulis laju2 untuk menjawab soalan. Uhuu... And also my hands were shivering yesterday when I want to fill up my attendance form.. Seriously! uhuu.. I was afraid, feel anxiety.. It has been a long time ago since I sit for final examination. Uhuu...

#wish me luck for the remaining papers that will be end on 11th July 2012.

June 23, 2012

I worship you

Since years years years years *how many years la..~ -.-" ago I didn't update my blog.. Uhuu..
This is because... blaaa....blaaa...blaaa.... *pjg sgt ceritanye. :P

Ok, today is Saturday.. I'm alone again in my beautiful room, Kolej Melati.. Somewhere in UiTM Shah Alam.. Hehehe..

I woke up early because someone special called me and then talk-talk with me.. After hang up, I continue my sleep again.. & I woke up again because of the same reason.. After hang up, I bathed because it was hot already. It was around 9.30am.. *wahh.. anak dara bangun lambat~ Teruk beno budak ni :P

Ok, the first thing I do, I online n then continue my reading.. I mean I follow someone's story.. Sort of E-Novel.. Em.. I really worship you. I do admire the way you write, your beautiful English, your extremely beautiful imaginations which is I think you are too young to think and write like that~ You are only 16 years old!! When I was 16, I was playing around with friends, I was naughty *until now I'm naughty. hehehe.. And my English was bad... *until now I think so.. -.-" 

So, I continue my reading and I can't wait for you to update your story.. Seriously, I can't wait!! uhuu.. I will promote your blog to my friends.. I know they will feel the same too.. You are such a nice girl, polite, all +ve things la.. :) I don't know how you can write your very own stories.. because I'm not good to write something beautiful especially in English.. *Kalau Bahasa Melayu tu boleh la sikit2. Takdelah power sgt pun. :P 

I think that you can be a famous writer after you finish your school and you can be a good English teacher.. Because now, you are my English teacher.. *dalam alam maya la.. kih3~ I read your stories, and I will try to improve my English.. :) 

*Thanks to you little girl. You just use simple English and sometimes bombastic jugak la.. Sometimes, I pun tak faham. hehehe.. :)

March 13, 2012

Dilemma juge~ part 1

Assalamualaikum pembaca blog sekalian.. :)

Lama sudah diri ini tidak meng'update' blog. Bukan nya apa, kesibukan yang teramat la konon nye telah melanda diri.
Alhamdulillah I have finished my Diploma in Sport Studies at UiTM Shah Alam September last year.. Sangat-sangat bersyukur kerana dapat menghabiskan pengajian diploma on time. Alhamdulillah~ Alhamdulillah..~ :)

Habis diploma, lepak-lepak rumah dalam 2 bulan jgk.. Pastu kena paksa dgn parents suruh kerja.. *bab keje je malas.. hahaha :D Tapi g la jgk anta resume kt beberapa syarikat.. dan akhirnya aku diambil kerja oleh Bukit Banang Golf & Country Club pada tarikh 5 Diesember 2011 sebagai Sports Assistant. *5 Disember tu adalah tarikh Anniversary parents aku.. n pada tahun itu, anniversary yg ke 25 tahun.. :)

Time kerja tu, aku mohon utk masuk sambung Degree.. Mana la tahu kan kot-kot ada rezeki nak sambung belajar.. So, aku mohon la kursus yang mungkin org lain xsangka.. Tp aku da lama sangka da. Haha :D Aku tukar ke Fakulti Pendidikan.. Jadi, aku punye kerja tu lebih ke arah seorang pendidik atau lebih dikenali ramai sebagai Cikgu/Guru.. A lot of my friends don't believe that I am going to be a teacher.. Some of them laughed at me first but then they wished me good luck.. InsyaAllah one day I'll be a teacher.. Ameen :)

*please pray for me peeps.

***To be continued***