February 15, 2011

All because of you

Arrghh.. tension nyee.. mata macam xboleh bukak..
xpela, abaikan aje. Alhamdulillah I still can do other things.. n masih lagi mampu utk meng`update` bloh.. kih3..

Actually mcm ni.. erm.. I just want to say that I am not the one who is following all the new series of Korea.. Seriously, I do not have any interest utk menonton cerita mereka. But few years back I followed some series such as Autumn in My Heart, Full House, Winter Sonata...Ntah apa tah lagi. But still xpenah mengikuti gile2 cerita tu. Mesti ada tertinggal episod.. (zaman dulu2 xde laptop n dvd murah utk beli. tgk kat tv jela. uhuhu)

Okay, erm... I have watched a new series (yg agak hangat diperkatakan la kot,I am no sure either) "My GF is A Gumiho".. I xdelah mcm excited sgt bila dengar tajuk cerita ni. But then one of my friend suggest utk tgk cerita ini.. Okay, at first macam mls nk tgk because of cerita tu bersiri.. Msti lambat cerita tu. But then, I terbukak la hati utk tgk.. I tried to ask my Band`s friends ade ke x cerita tu. So, Alhamdulillah bilik sebelah ade.. So, amik jela.. This happened before CNY lg..

Dah amik cerita tu, agak puas hati la.. So, I just saved it kat laptop. konon2nye akan tgk la bila mid term break aritu.. But, xtengok pon~ Kwn I da tnye da tgk ke belum..? I have to be honest la utk mngatakan belum tgk lagi.. uhuhu~ Okay, a week after naik cuti, I decided mcm nk tgk la cerita tu sbb I da smpai satu tahap yg agk membosankan duduk terperap je kat bilik ni.. So, Try la tgk kat Folder.. Ada cerita ni.. Play la.. but, xde subtitle.. Haiyyoo~ Hilang semangat nk tgk. Xfaham satu apa plak. Agak geram la bila nk tgk, subtitle xde. Tekanan jugak. So, beberapa hari selepas kejadian jumpa bali Yana, "tnye mana subtitle? Aku xfaham langsung." N she helped me utk menekan2 apa2 yg patut. Then, ade... Puas hati la dapat tgk..

Haaa.. satu lg masalah cerita korea ni, lambat tau,. haiiyoo~ ade 16 episodes but setiap episod roughly 1hour and 6minutes. Pergh.. lambat betul.. haiiyo~ Kalau la org yg fanatik kat crita korea ni, mengmbil masa yg kejap je utk hbiskan tgk crite ni.. Ade yg dlm mase 2 hari pon da hbis.. But I tgk punye la lama.. I start tgk Rabu or Khamis kot.. N I took 5days utk hbiskan tgk..

Okay, dgn kelambatan nye I pun tgk jelaaa.. Tgk punye tgk, makin jd excited. Seriously setiap episod akn membuatkan I tertanya2. nk tahu ape yg akan terjad for the next episod.. So, it ended up last night utk I menghabiskan lagi 3 episodes~ Wahh.. by hook or by crook I berazam utk mnghabiskan mlm smlm jugak.. So, I pun layan jelaaa... But then, sampai ke climax, cerita tu makin lama makin menyentuh.. Perrghhh.. gilaaaaa!! (teeeeeeeeeeeeeet~~)

*disebabkan kesilapan teknikal, I can`t continue apa yg terjadi kat I.. uhuhu~

* To all my followers, I suggest u all tgk la ea? Tgk laa.. Mmg agak menyentuh cerita tu. Yg best nye, pelakon2 dorg cute2 n handsome.. Ngee~ :) Mungkin kerana mata dorg sama dgn I.. iaitu sepet.. So, org2 yg sepet ni cantik2, comel2, n handsome. hahahah! :))


neslO_ais said...

haha ko nanges la eh..

add aku eh :D

more life and more, more fun said...

of couse r kena tgok sbb aku soh..suke xsuke peduli taste aku terbaek la kn..xnah mnghampakan..wakakka..heppy2